J.P. Chenet Medium Sweet Rose is a French wine of 0.75 litres with an alcohol content of 12%. It is a medium sweetness rosé wine that stands out for its refreshing fruity taste and aroma. The wine is made from grape varieties that are carefully sele ...
J.P. Chenet Medium Sweet Rose is a French wine of 0.75 litres with an alcohol content of 12%. It is a medium sweetness rosé wine that stands out for its refreshing fruity taste and aroma.
The wine is made from grape varieties that are carefully selected and harvested at the ideal stage of ripeness. After harvesting, the grapes are gently pressed and fermented at a controlled temperature to preserve all the natural aromas and flavours.
J.P. Chenet Medium Sweet Rose is suitable as an aperitif, accompaniment to light meats, salads or fruit desserts. It is served at a temperature of 8-10 °C.
The wine is packaged in a bottle with a characteristic tall and slender neck, which gives it an elegant appearance and makes it easy to serve.