Anton Kaapl Gift pack brings an exclusive collection of five spirits and liqueurs, each with its own unique character and profile. Each bottle in the pack has a volume of 0.2 litres and an alcohol content of 43.2%, making this set the perfect gift fo ...
Anton Kaapl Gift pack brings an exclusive collection of five spirits and liqueurs, each with its own unique character and profile. Each bottle in the pack has a volume of 0.2 litres and an alcohol content of 43.2%, making this set the perfect gift for lovers of fine spirits.
Package contents:
Production and ingredients:
All the spirits in this pack are made using traditional methods, using demineralised water from a 102 metre deep borehole in the Třeboň Basin to dilute them. This ensures their exceptional purity and smoothness.
Serving recommendation:
Anton Kaapl - Czech family distillery with tradition
Anton Kaapl, the founder of the Czech family distillery, was an important personality of Jílovice, where the Kaapl family has lived since 1586. After returning from the front in World War I, where he fought for Austria-Hungary, he became a prominent member of the village and later founded the tradition of distilling fruit spirits, which was a continuation of his rich family history and passion for local products.
Anton Kaapl distillery combines historical practices with modern technology. Every step of the production process, from the selection of quality fruit to the carefully controlled fermentation process to the multi-stage distillation and maturation, is carried out with the utmost care and respect for tradition. This heritage is emphasised on every product label with the endorsement 'Familientradition aus Gilowitz'.
The water used to dilute the distillates is drawn from a 102-metre deep borehole in the Třeboň Basin, which guarantees the softness and purity that is key to achieving the highest possible quality in the final products.
Anton Kaapl Gift pack is the perfect gift for special occasions or as an exclusive addition to any spirits connoisseur's collection. Each bottle represents a unique taste experience that invites you to discover the depth and complexity of genuine Czech spirits and liqueurs.
Producer's address: FONEKA s.r.o., Jílovice 217, 373 32, CZ